8,4 / 10 stars;
rating - 294604 Votes;
Runtime - 119 M;
Drama, War;
1917 movie stories. Movie 7-8ish. but astonishing camera work brings it up to a 9.
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1917 pandemic.
1917 reaction.
I saw this movie yesterday and it is breathtaking. The camera work from 14 times Academy Award nominee cinematographer Rodger Deakins (Blade Runner 2049) is outstanding and yet reminds of Private Ryan it surpasses it without the gory details but still puts you on the edge of your seat. It is a movie that you can connect with either if you have been in the army or not because it is a movie for all. It is a message, it is a wake-up call for the atrocities of war, and this is a war that happens now, in front of your eyes. The camera is so strong that it has some kind of documental feel that evokes some frames of Peter Jackson's "They Shall Not Grow Old" from 2018 where he puts never-before-seen footage to commemorate the centennial of the end of the war.
Someone has said that that the war movies should not be glorified with a soundtrack but what a soundtrack this movie has! My ow my. I just want to mention one name here: Thomas Newman.
Another interesting fact. In this movie, you cannot feel the special effects. It is for the first time that I am not feeling tricked by any CGI or computer gimmicks. Whatever they used here they used it wisely without breaking the balance between cinema and documentary and the final result is mesmerizing. It a disorientating, captivating, was filmed and edited as if it was one long take and the camera never leaves our main protagonists, Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman) and Schofield (George MacKay) out of its sight. The plot is rather simple: you follow two young soldiers ordered to deliver a message which will save 1,600 other soldiers.
It is a second war movie from Sam Mendes after Jarhead and it deserves special recognition from the movie industry. It is a movie to be talked about in the future because of its authenticity and the special message that it contains.
1917 dvd release date.
1917 movie showtimes.
1917 cuts.
1917 trailer hindi.
1917 clip.
Nineteen seventeen. Sam Mendes. Just superb.
This movie is downright amazing. Definitely one of the best movies of 2019 and one of the best war films I've seen. It's thrilling, exciting, scary, shocking and heartfelt, all jam-packed into one beautiful film.
The biggest topic of this film is probably how it looked as if it was shot in one single, continuous take. And there's good reason for it. The one-take format just elevated this whole movie with so much more tension and immersiveness. It's very well done from Sam Mendes. There are some scenes where it's easy to spot when they decided to stop the shot and transition into another, but over time it just became seamless.
The cinematography by Roger Deakins is also very on-point (as usual. As well as Thomas Newman's score. That was 1917's secret weapon. The score brings the movie from 100 to 1000. Everything is just elevated the moment Newman's score hits and it is beautiful.
Performance wise, the entire cast is superb. Especially George MacKay. His performance was just fantastic. I did appreciate that the film didn't focus on the characters with the big stars (Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch, Richard Madden) playing them.
1917 is an epic, visceral, stunning depiction of WWI. Buckle up cause once it starts, it doesn't stop.
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